SNMP Network Control
SNMP Network Control
SNMP based control and monitoring of remote network devices is a valuable tool for almost any network administrator. WTI’s Serial Console Servers and Switched PDUs provide full MIB support, allowing you to review status, change configuration parameters, edit user privileges and control operating functions at remote units via SNMP commands.
SNMP traps provide an incredibly helpful means to alert network managers when undesirable conditions are detected at remote sites. Our DSM Series Console Servers and our VMR Switched PDUs can monitor your network devices, constantly watching for significant status changes. When high temperature readings, ping command failure or other noteworthy events are detected, our products can promptly notify you via SNMP trap, allowing rapid response to critical conditions, and often eliminating the need for expensive service calls and truck rolls to remote equipment sites.
When an SNMP trap alarm is generated, our units can send an initial trap to notify you that the alarm has been triggered, and then send another SNMP trap to let you know when the alarm condition has been cleared. When new users are added, SNMP commands can be used to remotely grant serial port or power control access, set user privileges and select passwords.
Our Switched PDUs are ideal for SNMP based power control, metering and management. In addition to the SNMP notification and user directory capabilities found on our Serial Console Servers, our VMR Switched PDUs also allow remote SNMP control of power switching and reboot operations. Simple, effective SNMP commands can be used to enable or disable power outlets, reboot devices, or reset outlets to user-defined default On/Off status. If you need to monitor power at a remote location, the VMR also allows you to gather current load and power consumption data and review power usage logs via SNMP, once again, saving you a long, time consuming trip to an off-site equipment locker.
SNMP Serial Console Servers

SNMP Switched PDUs

For more information on the SNMP management, metering and notification features provided by our DSM and RSM Serial Console Servers or VMR Switched PDUs, please click on one of the links below.
DSM Series Remote Console Servers - RJ45 PortsCPM Series Remote Console Server + Power Reboot Switch
VMR Series Switched, Metered PDUs
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