Cellular Out-of-Band Rescue™

When the Network Goes Down...

Revive Routers, Switches & Firewalls

No More Truck Rolls

No More Truck Rolls

Nobody has time to drive to a site when an ISP drops service or you simply need to reboot a router. Your time is too valuable not to have an out-of-band solution in place. The CPM from WTI comes with a cellular option that gives you secure access to console ports as well as control of individual power outlets when your LAN is down.

  • Establish Secure Out-of-Band Connections to Remote Sites
  • Monitor & Control Power to Mission Critical Infrastructure
  • Access Console Ports to Reconfigure Routers/Switches/Firewalls
CPM-800 Series
CPM-800 Series
Console + Power Hybrid with W4G LTE Cellular Option
Learn More
DSM-8 Series
DSM-8 Series
Serial Console Server with W4G LTE Cellular Option
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Console Access From Anywhere

Console Access From Anywhere

Need to plug in to the console port of that firewall and update DNS settings? But it's 200 miles away? With a CPM installed at your remote sites you can easily SSH over ethernet and/or cellular and access console ports of all your devices. Quickly and easily access the CLI so you can configure all your gear... even when the network is down!

  • Establish multiple sessions on all your devices
  • Allow unique console settings per port
  • Log and view console session data locally and via Syslog

Cellular Remote Power Reboot

What do you do when a router locks up at a branch office and you need to give it a hard reboot? Call someone onsite and ask them to guess what to unplug? Nobody has time for that! With a CPM installed at each remote site you can reboot routers over a secure cellular connection. When your router is unresponsive... you can quickly and easily connect over secondary ethernet and/or cellular to give that router a hard power reboot and then console in to watch the boot sequence.

  • Meter power on individual devices
  • Get alerts when voltage is lost or the network is down
  • Reboot individual devices or groups