Remote Console and Power Management for Cisco Routers
Remote Console and Power Management for Cisco Routers

WTI Console Servers & Power Management Products - Tools for Cisco Administrators
- Minimize Truck Rolls - Discover, Diagnose and Correct Problems without Leaving Your Office
- Maximize Up Time - Fix Problems Before They Effect Productivity
- Reduce Loss of Revenue - Keep Your Cisco Equipment Up and Running
- Secure Remote Management - Access Multiple Cisco Devices from a Single Secure Point of Entry
All servers and routers will lock up and cease to function sometimes; even top quality equipment like Cisco routers and switches.
Have you ever been woken up in the middle of night by a call from work, and then had to drive all the way to your office just to unlock or reboot an uncooperative router? Does all work at your office regularly grind to a halt every time a piece of network equipment gets a case of the hiccups? Have you ever watched helplessly as constant “truck rolls” to remote equipment sites gradually eat up your yearly budget and tie up your most valuable employees?
There’s no need to suffer this way! WTI network management products allow you to diagnose, configure and control vital network devices from anywhere on earth, securely and remotely ... even when normal network communication is not available!
- Secure, Remote, In-Band/Out-of-Band Management - Safe Access to Network Devices
- Unit Consolidation - Single Point of Entry for Multiple Devices
- Audit Trail - Log User Access and Command Activity
- Alarm/Event Notification - Discover Minor Problems Fast ... And Correct them before they become Big Problems
Minimize Truck Rolls
Why waste time and money sending your IT personnel on long rides to solve minor problems at remote sites when you can solve that same problem without even leaving your office? Service calls are not only costly, but they can also monopolize your most valuable employees when they’re needed elsewhere. WTI console servers and switched PDUs provide secure, remote access to control and reboot functions for far-away Cisco devices, allowing you to diagnose problems, change configuration parameters and correct many problems without actually travelling to the site.
WTI remote management solutions include many convenient features which help you to access remote equipment ... without rolling out the service truck:
- In-Band Communication via 10/100Base-T Ethernet Port
- Out-of-Band Communication using the Optional Internal Modem with Dialback Security
- An Impressive Selection of Security and Authentication Features to Protect Access to Critical Devices
- SNMP Based Control, Monitoring and Configuration
- Outbound SSH Capability to Allow Direct, Secure Communication with Troublesome Devices

Maximize Up-Time
Does this ever happen to you? A router goes haywire, but you don’t know about it until you’re battered with a storm of email from impatient users. Wouldn’t it be great if you could know about the dead router sooner, before it stops work and generates a flood of complaints and tech support requests?
That’s an easy one: WTI console servers and switched PDUs include an impressive array of alarm and notification features that can let you know about problems before you’re buried by an avalanche of complaints. Our remote management products can notify you via email, SNMP trap, text message or SYSLOG as soon as critical conditions are detected. WTI console servers feature over temperature alarms, lost communication alarms, ping-no-answer alarms and other environmental alerts that allow prompt response to problems before they turn into major headaches.
WTI console servers and power management solutions are well armed with an intelligent design and a powerful selection of management features that make it easy to keep your Cisco devices up and running:
- Event Monitoring, Logging and Notification for Prompt Reaction to Critical Conditions
- Secure Access to Command Functions on Network Devices; In-Band or Out-of-Band
- Multiple Concurrent SSH Sessions Allow Access to Troublesome Devices without Interrupting Other Users
- Full MIB Support for Diagnosis, Operation and Configuration via SNMP
- Temperature Alarms to Let You Know When Rack Temperatures are Unacceptable
- Lost Communication Alarm to Alert You if Communication with Other WTI Units is Interrupted
- Ping-No-Answer Alarm to Detect Devices that May Be Locked Up
- Invalid Access Alarm/Lockout Alerts to Notify You when a Excessive Unsuccessful Login Attempts are Detected
- Power Cycle Alarm to Let You Know When Unit Has Been Powered Down
- Buffer Threshold Alarm Provides Notification when Port Buffers Contain Data
Reduce Loss of Revenue
We’ve all heard the old adage that “Time is Money,” but there’s no place on earth where that saying is more true than it is in an IT department. When critical network elements stop running, they often stop your entire company from running; orders can’t be processed, data can’t be retrieved, status can’t be checked and the hallways and water coolers become clogged with employees who have nothing to do without the network. In short, whenever your network is down, you’re losing money.
WTI remote management solutions help reduce loss of revenue by ensuring that your IT support team is immediately informed when vital network elements are down, and by providing fast, secure access to command functions on Cisco devices, allowing prompt diagnosis and correction of network problems before they can cause undue network downtime and loss of revenue.
When problems such as high rack temperatures, failure to respond to ping commands, loss of power and other potentially work-stopping events are detected, WTI console servers and power management products can provide timely notification via email, SNMP trap, text message or SYSLOG.
Obviously though, knowing about the problem is only half of the battle; the other, equally important part of network support is to be able to respond quickly and securely to correct the situation that caused the problem. WTI remote management products include a powerful assortment of security and authentication tools to ensure that command access is secure, plus an internal modem to allow Out-of-Band access with to your Cisco router even when normal network communication is unfeasible.
Our console servers and power management solutions include an intelligent selection of features that work together to help you save time and money:
- Environmental and Event Alarms to Allow Quick Response to Problems
- Secure, Remote Communication with Console Ports on Cisco Devices to Allow Fast, Easy Access to Command Functions
- Out-of-Band Communication to Provide Access Even When your Network is Unavailable

Secure, Remote Network Management
Remote access to network elements can be a wonderful thing, saving you both time and money ... as long as that access is securely protected and locked away from potentially harmful, unauthorized access. All WTI console servers and metered PDUs feature an impressive array of security and authentication tools, including TACACS+, RADIUS, LDAP, Kerberos, SSHv2 encryption, HTTPS/SSL secure web communication, IP address filtering, a multi-level user/password directory and more!
Most console servers can only perform TACACS+ authentication when an Ethernet connection is available. Normally, that arrangement works fine ... but what do you do when in-band communication is unavailable and you need to secure contact with a Cisco device via modem? WTI console servers provide a perfect solution to this dilemma; our console servers are one of the few on the market that allow TACACS+ authentication via modem.
WTI console servers and power management products also include advanced logging functions to allow you to know who accessed a device, when the device was accessed and what sort of commands were invoked. And when your Cisco device generates its own log messages, WTI remote management solutions can buffer these messages or send them to you via SNMP trap immediately.
Secure communication with WTI console servers and PDUs is ensured by many formidable features such as:
- SSHv2 Encryption to Protect Communication
- HTTPS/SSL Secure Web
- Remote Authentication via TACACS+, LDAP Kerberos, and RADIUS
- Multi-Level Subscriber Directory with Port Specific Password Protection
- IP Address Filtering to Block Suspect IPs from Access Attempts
Single Point of Entry
Pity the poor network administrator who’s responsible for forty different routers in forty different equipment racks! Does he need to remember forty different IP addresses and forty different communication configurations? He doesn’t if he has a WTI serial console server! Our console servers provide a single point of entry for up to forty different devices; providing unit consolidation and eliminating the need to key in an IP address and set up communication parameters every time you want to access a router or other network device.
WTI console servers are perfect for supporting Cisco devices; all serial ports are pinned specifically for compatibility with Cisco serial ports. This means that there’s no need to build your own cables or fumble around with clumsy adapters; just connect a Cisco roll cable from your Cisco console port to a vacant serial port on the WTI console server, and you’re ready to go.
Our console servers and metered PDUs include many convenient abilities that simplify communication via a single point of entry:
- Command Line Interface for Easy Control via ASCII Commands
- Web Based Graphic User Interface for Easy Control via Web Browser
- Serial Ports Pinned for Use with Cisco Roll Cable to Simplify Connection to Cisco Devices
- Access Multiple Devices with Differing Communication Parameters and Operating Systems
Do yourself a favor; stop wasting valuable time, resources and budget travelling to remote sites to tend to problems that can be fixed with a couple of mouse clicks and without leaving your office! Check out WTI’s intelligent, economical remote console servers and high amp power management products today. Contact us at
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