No Cellular PPP Connection

No Cellular PPP Connection

A "No Cellular PPP Connection" is an alarming condition that can be used to notify you when we detect that we have lost cellular connection for a certain amount of time.

The alarm can be configured via the Web GUI by selecting Alarm Configuration from the left toolbar. If you wish to configure the alarm via the CLI issue a "/ac" and select the option for "No Cellular PPP Connection".


To turn on the alarm set trigger enable to "on".

The "Time Period" is based off the days the unit has not established a PPP connection.


The "Resend Delay" is how long we will wait before sending another alert for the same alarm. 

The "Notify Upon Clear" is where we send you a notification via EMAIL/SNMP/SYSLOG that we have reestablished a PPP connection again.


See below for menu:


1. Trigger Enable: On
11. Test Frequency: 7 Days
2. Resend Delay: 60 Min
3. Notify Upon Clear: On
4. Email Message: On
41. Address 1: On

42. Address 2: On
43. Address 3: On
44. Subject:
Alarm: No Cellular PPP Connection
5. Syslog Facility: Local_0
6. Syslog Level: Critical